RD Industrial
Itumbiara, Goiás
230 painéis
R$ 8.578,71
A RD Industrial, uma empresa completa em produtos e serviços de engenharia, que atua nas áreas de fabricação e montagem de equipamentos industriais, serviço de corte a laser, dobra de peças sob medida e locação de plataformas de trabalho.
Com a instalação da usina solar que possui 230 painéis solares e 76 KWP de potência, a indústria passou a ter uma economia média mensal em torno de R$ 8 mil, uma economia de 95% na conta de energia, e ainda irá contribuir ambientalmente o equivalente a 2,3 toneladas de CO2 evitados por ano.
happy customers
Our customers share their experiences and insights from installing solar their way. See how others, just like you achieved self-reliance through solar.
Daniel Zajic
CEO & Founder at SmartTI
“I received great service over the phone and no surprises after signing up. The products and program are simple and easy to understand. I would recommend GreenSolar for their low administration fees, combined commodity billing and easy to read bills.”
David McCord
Founder at Epishine
“I received great service over the phone and no surprises after signing up. The products and program are simple and easy to understand. I would recommend GreenSolar for their low administration fees, combined commodity billing and easy to read bills.”
Roger Kentor
“I received great service over the phone and no surprises after signing up. The products and program are simple and easy to understand. I would recommend GreenSolar for their low administration fees, combined commodity billing and easy to read bills.”
Jane M
Head of Marketing
“I received great service over the phone and no surprises after signing up. The products and program are simple and easy to understand. I would recommend GreenSolar for their low administration fees, combined commodity billing and easy to read bills.”